-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
intfudu stores antiderivatives in a Maxima hashtable, so it's possible to modify
intfudu at a command line.
(%i7) load(partition)$
Find the name of the Maxima hashtable
(%i8) arrays;
(%o8) [intable,intable2]
We need to modify intable; look at intable["^"]
(%i9) intable["^"];
(%o9) lambda([u,v],if freeof(%voi,u) then [u^v/log(u),diff(v,%voi)] else if freeof(%voi,v) then if v#-1 then [u^(1+v)/(1+v),diff(u,%voi)] else [log(u),diff(u,%voi)] )
Cut and paste a new value for intable["^"]
(%i10) intable["^"] : lambda([u,v],if freeof(%voi,u) then [u^v/log(u),diff(v,%voi)] else if freeof(%voi,v) then if v#-1 then [u^(1+v)/(1+v),diff(u,%voi)] else [log(if logabs then abs(u) else u),diff(u,%voi)] );
Finally, check your work:
(%i11) intfudu(1/x, x), logabs : false;
(%o11) log(x)
(%i12) intfudu(1/x,x), logabs : true;
(%o12) log(abs(x))
--Barton Willis