Creating a function?

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    >> What is the correct way to define the function dgsub?

    Robert> I would suggest dgsub(i, z) := subst('z = z, row(dg,
    Robert> i)[1]).

dgsub(1,[1,2,3,4]) ->

The only way I could get that to evaluate down to a number was to use
(gasp!) ev.

    Robert> ev has the right effect in this case, but it is easy for
    Robert> unintended side effects to creep in. subst('z = ...) 
    Robert> affects only z, while ev can affect all variables and
    Robert> function calls.

Yeah, I was hestitating to use ev here, but nothing else I tried

Anyway, I think it's time to use Barton's suggestions and get rid of
the subscripted variables.
