Subject: a package of functions for vector analysis.
From: Dieter Kaiser
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 23:40:44 +0200
Am Freitag, den 01.04.2011, 22:30 +0900 schrieb ?? ??:
> we have two questions.
> 1)I loaded the package of ("vect") .but the dot operator "." was not
> a commutative operator as the following mentioned below.
> Documentation Categories tell "Warning: the vect package declares the
> dot operator . to be a commutative operator."
> Please teach me the reason.
Some times ago, the declaration of the dot operator to be commutative
has been cut out, because loading the package with this declaration
causes unexpected bugs. But the documentation has not been updated. I
will commit an update of the documentation soon.
> (%i1)kill(all)$
> load(vect)$
> declare([ f, g,p,q], nonscalar) $
> f .g-g .f ;
> declare(".",commutative);
> f .g-g .f ;
> (%o3) f . g-g . f
> (%o4) done
> (%o5) 0
> 2) I try "demo(vect);",but that didn't operate.Why?
> demo(vect);
> read and interpret file:
> #pC:/PROGRA~1/MAXIMA~1.2/share/maxima/5.23.2/share/vector/vect.dem
> At the '_' prompt, type ';' and <enter& gt; to get next demonstration.
> (%i2) if get('vect,'version)=false then load("vect")
> _
You have to press the enter button each time the input prompt "_"
appears to get the demos step by step.
Dieter Kaiser