Maxima 5.24 and development issues

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    Robert> (2) Perhaps this is an appropriate time to put the wheels in
    Robert> motion to switch over from CVS to Git. I suggest that we
    Robert> take the tag release-5_24-base as the target; after we get
    Robert> everything up to that tag converted to GIt, we can apply
    Robert> any patches that have accumulated since then.

Does that mean you're going to have both CVS and git running at the
same time?  

If so, it seems to me that a better point would be the actual release
5.24 tag, using CVS.  Merge whatever went into that branch back to the
main, and make a final tag for CVS.  Declare a freeze on development,
and convert the CVS repo to git.

Then we're sure to a have known good starting point for git. 

Of course, this doesn't preclude someone doing test conversions up to
that point.  Just the "official" conversion should be done from
scratch from that final CVS tag.

Anyway, my 2 cents.  I'm don't expect to be the one doing the
conversion; the one doing the conversion gets the final say, I think.

    Robert> About converting to Git, I am aware that it's not entirely
    Robert> straightforward. If there are problems, I suggest that
    Robert> instead of trying to convert the entire history, that we
    Robert> omit any branches. Maybe that will simplify the problem

I hope it doesn't come to that; we shouldn't actively try to forgot
our history unless absolutely necessary.  It seems, however, that the
Maxima-CAS git repo has the branches, and they look ok to me.
