Can you explain the reasoning here?
I don't understand why f and x are substituted separated rather
than together, since f(x) is one of the left hand sides in the
list of substitution equations.
Robert Dodier
On 4/7/11, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:
> Corrigendum: g(3) is in fact a parallel substitution, and is what psubst
> currently returns in this case.
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:02, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at>wrote:
>> What should psubst( [x=3,f(x)=5,f(3)=10, f=g], f(x) ) be? Should it be
>> f(3) or 5 or g(x)? Should psubst try to find the maximal match? I don't
>> think that's currently part of its specification.
>> Presumably not 10 or g(3), which would require sequential (not parallel)
>> substitutions.
>> Both 'subst' and 'psubst' are very basic *syntactic* operations. It is
>> correct (and useful) behavior that subst([y=x],'diff(y,t)) => 'diff(x,t).
>> 'at' is supposed to be the *semantic* substitution operation, but it can
>> be
>> very clumsy to use and it is not very powerful. In the present case, you
>> might want to say something like
>> at('diff(x,t),[x=3,'at('diff(x,t),x=3)=5])
>> but that doesn't work.
>> -s
>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 09:14, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 6 Apr 2011, Barton Willis wrote:
>>> < -----Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote: -----
>>> <
>>> < > I think the function you want is psubst.
>>> < >
>>> < > psubst([x=3, y=4, diff(x,t) = 5, diff(y,t)=7],
>>> diff(sqrt(x^2+y^2),t));
>>> < >
>>> < > should do what you want.
>>> <
>>> < No, isn't the cure:
>>> <
>>> < (%i1) depends(x,t,y,t);
>>> < (%o1) [x(t),y(t)]
>>> <
>>> < (%i2) psubst([x=3, y=4, diff(x,t) = 5, diff(y,t)=7],
>>> diff(sqrt(x^2+y^2),t));
>>> < (%o2) 0
>>> <
>>> < (%i3) psubst([diff(x,t) = 5, diff(y,t)=7,x=3, y=4],
>>> diff(sqrt(x^2+y^2),t));
>>> < (%o3) 43/5
>>> Well, I guess this is a bug, eh?
>>> Here is a slightly re-worked version of the example from the
>>> documentation:
>>> (%i20) psubst ([a^2=b, b=a], sin(a^2) + cos(b));
>>> (%o20) sin(b) + cos(a)
>>> (%i21) psubst ([b=a, a^2=b], sin(a^2) + cos(b));
>>> (%o21) sin(b) + cos(a)
>>> Leo
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