I find a small bug in XMaxima.
Closing and opening XMaxima browser give the following error:
bad window path name ".browser"
bad window path name ".browser"
while executing
"frame $w"
(procedure "mkOpenMath" line 17)
invoked from within
"mkOpenMath [set w $toplevel.t[incr maxima_priv(counter)]] "
(procedure "OpenMathOpenUrl" line 95)
invoked from within
"OpenMathOpenUrl "file:/C:/PROGRA~1/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/524~1.0/xmaxima/html/XMAXIM~1.HTM""
(menu invoke)
As you can see there is /maxima/524~1.0/ in the path instead of /maxima/5.24~1.0/