Does Maxima work on Windows??

I have Maxima running on XP.?? It took me a while to figure out that you have to disable DEP (Data Execution Prevention) or Maxima will not work.

If you need more detail let me know.

--- On Tue, 4/12/11, Roy Stannard <roycstannard at> wrote:

From: Roy Stannard <roycstannard at>
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Does Maxima work on Windows??
To: maxima at
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 6:30 PM

Would it be possible to put together a trouble shooting guide for those, like me, who are having difficulties getting Maxima up and running on a winxp platform?  Maxima is an excellent application and it is disappointing for some of 
its wouldbe winxp users that it does not install readily.? 

It would be helpful to have the group wisdom on this issue in the one location, chasing obscure OS settings is not my idea of fun.

On 11 April 2011 09:44, Roy Stannard <roycstannard at> wrote:


This is my first post to the forum and it's prompted by my having a problem getting Maxima to work on WindowsXP SP3. I get the 'not connected to Maxima' message. I followed the installation instructions to the letter so I'm puzzled!! I've googled the problem and there doesn't seem to be any clearcut solution to this problem (tho I may have missed it). 

I have previous experience with Maxima on a linux machine (Ubuntu 10.04) and had no problems there at all. 

Any help would be most welcome

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