Does Maxima work on Windows??

-----Original Message-----
From: maxima-bounces at on behalf of Ether Jones
Sent: Wed 4/13/2011 1:37 AM
To: maxima at; Roy Stannard
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Does Maxima work on Windows??
WinXP Pro SP3

control panel -> system -> advanced -> Performance Settings -> Data Execution Prevention

- browse to the maxima executable and add it to the list of exceptions

- also add wxmaxima if you are going to use that

(requites admin privileges to access & change)


I did that too; it didn't work.

The problem lies somewhere in some obscure Winxp Home Edition setting, I'm pretty sure of that.

However, I haven't yet tried David Billinghurst's second low level check:

Begin quote:
Lets go right back to basics and tryat a low level

Open a cmd window and enter

   1. cd "C:\Program Files\Maxima-5.23.2\bin"
   2. .\maxima.bat

If that doesn't produce something, try

   1. cd "C:\Program Files\Maxima-5.23.2
   2. lib\maxima\5.23.2\binary-gcl\maxima.exe -eval "(cl-user::run)" -f --
End quote


I just did, with a fresh install of Maxima 5.24.0 (gcl), and in both low-level checks there was no result.
I mean that nothing happened, the DOS console just jumped to the next line and did nothing.
Maxima didn't start.

I have downloaded maxima-5.24.0-ccl and will install it after uninstalling the previous maxima-5.24.0 (gcl).
Will see what comes out.

Details of the system affected:
Windows Vista Home Premium
