questions to tags /R/ and /T/

Definition of canonical rational expression:

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 06:35, Wilhelm Haager
<wilhelm.haager at>wrote:

> Hi,
> Maxima sometimes appends some curious "tags" to the output expressions:
> e.g. rat(x/y) produces the tag /R/ which obviously means a
>             "canonical rational expression" (whatever that is).
>    taylor(sin(x),x,0,3) produces the tag /T/ which obviously means
>    "taylor series".
> Those tags, which are assumedly not part of the expession itself,
> can be removed by apply(op(..),args(...)).
> Is there a general principle or a deeper mind for those tags?
> What is the actual effect of them
> (just appending + ... do the expression (for /T/), or even more)?
> Where are those tags stored (if not as part of the expression)?
> Are there more such tags than /R/ and /T/?
> Thanks in advance for answers
> Wilhelm Haager
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