> Hey Mario,
> This looks really interesting! Never thought of that, great idea. Can
> you explain what the different symbols (+-|) etc. represent? I can't see
> why I couldn't interpret this if I knew that information as all this
> information is available to me at my finger tips!:)
> Anyway if you can tell me how it works I'll hopefully make some sense
> out of it:)
The curve is plotted inside a box, the '-' symbols are used to draw the
upper and lower segments of the box, while the '|' symbols are used to
draw the lateral segments.
There are some plus symbols '+' on these lines. They are tick marks for
ordinates and abscissas.
Finally, the curve is also plotted with '+' symbols. Depending on the
slope of the curve, more than one plus symbol can be written.
At this moment, package draw does not support the 'dumb' terminal, but
this workaround should work:
load(draw) $
set_draw_defaults (user_preamble="set terminal dumb")$
/* a parabola */
/* the sine */
/* two intersecting parabolas */
explicit(x^2, x,-2, 2),
explicit(-x^2+2, x, -2, 2) )$
(If after plotting, the Maxima prompt is not shown, type CTRL+C. I'll
see if I can fix this.)
There is also the plot2d function, which might be easier for you. I
think something as
plot2d(x^2,[x,-1,1], [gnuplot_term, "dumb"]);
should work, but I don't get anything. Perhaps someone else can help us
with the code.