Announcement: Git conversion

Am Mittwoch, den 20.04.2011, 10:20 +0100 schrieb Oliver Kullmann:
> Merges are extra commits (except when it's a fast-forward, just
> continuing the history): think about it, it's necessary --- there
> are two (or more) independent histories, both need to be preserved, and a merge,
> which is not a fast-forward, changes the final results of all
> sub-histories which led to it.

Thank your very much for your hint. I have read more about merges and I
have learned that there is a difference between a true and a
fast-forward merge.

I have done several commits, but got the additional commit for a true
merge only two times. I think the problem is, that I have not worked on
a separate branch, but on a local copy of the repository.

Dieter Kaiser