Using maxima for high school mathematics

El mi?, 20-04-2011 a las 12:09 +1000, Daniel Dalton escribi?:

> > 
> > There are some plus symbols '+' on these lines. They are tick marks for
> > ordinates and abscissas.
> What are these? I've never come across them do I need to be worried
> about them?

They help you to allocate points on the plane, they mark the coordinates
on the axes.

> How can I figure out what + signs are part of the curve without getting
> confused with the other individual + signs? 

Hard to know; see the plot below. Gnuplot makes use of different symbols
to draw only one object. For example, the plus symbol in the vertices of
the rectangle.

> Taking this concept slightly further, does this mean in theory I could
> convert other images (diagrams for example), to ascii?

Judge for yourself:

load(draw) $
set_draw_defaults (user_preamble="set terminal dumb")$

   xrange = [0, 15],
   yrange = [-5, 10],

   triangle([1, -3],[2, 4],[5, 2]),
   rectangle([4, 6], [9, 8]),
   polygon([[6,-3], [6,5], [14,2], [14,0]]),

         ["Trapezium",10,2])  ) $

Hope this helps.
