how to do simple loop in maxima and save the result in a file?

On April 20, 2011, RAZIF RAZALI wrote:
  fout = fopen( "test1.dat", "w");
  for (x=0.4; x<1; x=x+delt){
  printf ("%f %f\n",p,x);
  fprintf(fout, "%f %f\n",p,x);
how can I do similar loop program in Maxima and save the result in a new
file like 'test1.dat'?
Experiment with write_data and printfile.
As a simple first step,

(%i3) (dataL:[],
       for x thru 5 do (
         px : subst (x,z,(1-z)/(1+z)),
         dataL : cons ([x,px],dataL)),
       dataL : reverse (dataL),
       write_data (dataL,"mydata1.dat"))$

(%i4) printfile ("mydata1.dat")$

1 0
2 -1/3
3 -1/2
4 -3/5
5 -2/3

note that write_data creates the file if the file
does not already exist and overwrites previous 
file contents if the file already exists.

I use windows, and my default app for *.dat is Notepad,
which expects CR,LF line endings. Maxima writes
with LF line endings, so Notepad will show the
single line
1 02 -1/33 -1/24 -3/55 -2/3
To see the expected double column data file
you should use Notepad2 (free).

To deal with your case, you should include
while, as in this simple example:

(%i8) (dataL:[],
       for x: 0.1 step 0.1 while x < 1 do (
         px : subst (x,z,(1-z)/(1+z)),
         dataL : cons ([x,px],dataL)),
       dataL : reverse (dataL),
       write_data (dataL,"mydata2.dat"))$

(%i9) printfile("mydata2.dat")$

0.1 0.81818181818182
0.2 0.66666666666667
0.3 0.53846153846154
0.4 0.42857142857143
0.5 0.33333333333333
0.6 0.25
0.7 0.17647058823529
0.8 0.11111111111111
0.9 0.052631578947368
1.0 5.5511151231257827E-17

In Chapter 2 of Maxima by Example, I show how
to import file data into a list inside Maxima, and
use it for fits and plots.

In light of your query, I should probably add a
section related to writing data to a file.

Best Wishes,
Ted Woollett