Am Freitag, den 22.04.2011, 07:28 +0100 schrieb Leo Butler:
> Hello,
> In light of discussions, in order to make the Git repository
> look like CVS I have split 'repo' into separate Git repositories,
> corresponding to the old CVS modules. These are:
> htdocs izic maxima maximabook maxima-pre59 site-xml
> Because of the split, tags will no longer be propagated across
> the modules, as under CVS. Also, the split is irreversible,
> as these are now fully fledged repos.
> For the moment, 'repo' is online. I do not have admin rights to make
> it read-only, so I will only remind you that you should not push
> to it. It will be taken down in due course.
> ----
> Let me say one last time: Git is not CVS. There are two ways to
> learn this fact.
> The remainder of this message is similar to that posted earlier.
> Leo
> Browse the repository:
> ======================
> Go to
> and select a repository.
> To clone the repository MODULE:
> ===============================
> read-only:
> git clone git://
> developer (read/write):
> git clone
> ssh://USERNAME at
> To see what you have:
> =====================
> git branch # show your local branches
> git branch -r # show the remote branches
> git tag -l # see the tags
> To work on your repository:
> ===========================
> git checkout -b scratch-pad # create a throw-away branch to work in
> # do some work on existing files, then
> git commit -a -m 'My first commit' # in your own repository
> [D] To commit your changes to the SF repository:
> ================================================
> git checkout master
> git pull # update master branch with any changes from SF
> git merge scratch-pad # merge your scratch-pad onto master
> git push origin master # push the changes to SF
I have checked out the new repository maxima and I have tried to prepare
carefully a new commit to the repository.
I have created a local branch 'workspace' and then a second local branch
'msize' to work on the function MSIZE. I have merged the changes into
'workspace' to check if I get the expected result. In a second step I
have fetched the changes from 'orgin' and I merged the changes into the
branch 'master'. At last I have pushed my changes upstream.
Now, I see that my local branches 'workspace' and 'msize' appear on, too. Is there something wrong in my approach. I have
not expected to see my local branches in the repository.
Dieter Kaiser