Announcement: Git conversion (Part 2)

On Fri, 22 Apr 2011, Dieter Kaiser wrote:

< Am Freitag, den 22.04.2011, 15:53 +0200 schrieb Andrej Vodopivec:
< > On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at> wrote:
< > > I have checked out the new repository maxima and I have tried to prepare
< > > carefully a new commit to the repository.
< > >
< > > I have created a local branch 'workspace' and then a second local branch
< > > 'msize' to work on the function MSIZE. I have merged the changes into
< > > 'workspace' to check if I get the expected result. In a second step I
< > > have fetched the changes from 'orgin' and I merged the changes into the
< > > branch 'master'. At last I have pushed my changes upstream.
< > >
< > > Now, I see that my local branches 'workspace' and 'msize' appear on
< > >, too. Is there something wrong in my approach. I have
< > > not expected to see my local branches in the repository.
< > 
< > I usually specify which branches should be pushed to the remote
< > repository. To push the master branch execute
< > 
< >   git push origin master
< > 
< > If you wish to delete the msize branch from the sourceforge repository execute
< > 
< >   git push origin :msize
< > 
< > HTH, Andrej
< Thank you very much for your help. I have removed the branches
< 'workspace' and 'msize'. By the way I am not used to work with branches,
< but it seems to me very elegant and comfortable to do the changes in
< different branches.
< I think the problem is, that I use the plugin Egit with Eclipse. It is a
< very comfortable tool, but because I do not know Git very well, I have
< problems to find all the default settings which affect the behavior.

 Dieter, when you pushed your commits, did you see any error message
 from the SF Git server concerning the hook script hook/post-receive?
 The script doesn't seem to have fired.

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