Announcement: Git conversion

>>>>> "LB" == Leo Butler <l.butler at> writes:

LB>  For comparison, I filtered the maxima directory into a separate Git
LB>  repo, as Andrej suggested. I was surprised to find that it occupies
LB>  175M versus 195M for my clone of 'repo'.

You have to run git gc (I recommend git gc --aggressive) after running
filter-branch to repack the repository.

I just tried it on a clone which was last updated Wednesday.

The filtered repo has a 62896934 octet pack whereas repo.git has a
77073888 octet pack.

So, yes, filtering out maxima only seems to save 13.52 megs.  

It should be better; a fast-export on the filtered repo shows that the
filtering is not complete.  It seems that the filtering needs to be
done on every branch.  That should improve the numbers significantly.

htdocs, izic, maxima-pre59, and maximabook should also be filtered
out and preserved for history.

I can write a script which does it all if desired.

James Cloos <cloos at>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6