conjugate of undeclared array

Undeclared arrays print as a subscripted variable, but  using them as such 
causes trouble.  Example

(%i1) declare(e,imaginary)$

(%i2) conjugate(e[x]);
(%o2) -e[x]

(%i3) e[42] : 8;
(%o3) 8

(%i4) conjugate(e[x]);
(%o4) conjugate(e[x])

You might blame a bug in conjugate on this, but it might be due to the 
kinds of bugs that arise when
undeclared arrays get used for a subscripted variable.


Henry Baker <hbaker1 at> wrote on 04/25/2011 01:56:25 PM:

> I don't know how to respond to your question without better 
> understanding how your mental model of "conjugate" is supposed to work.