[maxima] xmaxima local start-up

forgot to include maxima list in my reply...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Maxima] [maxima] xmaxima local start-up
Date: 	Thu, 12 May 2011 09:17:55 -0700
From: 	Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at olynet.com>
To: 	Leo Butler <l.butler at ed.ac.uk>

On 05/12/2011 03:07 AM, Leo Butler wrote:
>  On Wed, 11 May 2011, Paul Bowyer wrote:
>  <   Hello list:
>  <
>  <   I have maxima-5.23.2 installed on my PCLinuxOS system, callable from
>  <   "/usr/bin/xmaxima"
>  <   and I just used git to download and install maxima-5-24post to ~/MaximaTest
>  <   where it created:
>  <   ~/MaximaTest/bin
>  <   ~/MaximaTest/lib
>  <   ~/MaximaTest/libexec
>  <   ~/MaximaTest/share
>  <
>  <   If I cd to ~/MaximaTest/bin and run ./maxima -l<lisp>   , I am able to run the
>  <   local copy of maxima-5-24post in a shell and it finds and uses the lisp
>  <   dialect I provide.
>  <
>  <   If I cd to ~/MaximaTest/bin and run ./xmaxima -l<lisp>, it calls xmaxima for
>  <   maxima-5-23-2 and will not allow me to run the local copy of xmaxima.
>  If you are typing ./xmaxima, then this must be the script in $PWD.
>  Do you mean that this script is calling maxima-5-23-2 or did you
>  type 'xmaxima' and omit the leading './' ?
>  <
>  <   I tried:
>  <   export PATH="~/MaximaTest/bin;~/MaximaTest/lib;~/MaximaTest/libexec;"$PATH
>  I don't know if this will fix your problem, but the individual paths
>  should be separated by colons, not semi-colons.
>  Leo
Thank you again, Leo.

I failed to notice the semi-colons in my PATH prefix. How silly of me...

That solved my problem.
