test suite problems

On 05/17/2011 06:54 AM, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Bowyer<pbowyer at olynet.com>  writes:
>      Paul>  Another test suite run using:
>      Paul>  Maxima 5-24post with cmucl Version CMU Common Lisp Snapshot 2011-02
>      Paul>  (20B Unicode)
>      Paul>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      Paul>  Error summary:
>      Paul>  Error found in rtest2, problem:
>      Paul>  (error break)
>      Paul>  0 tests failed out of 8,768 total tests.
> I don't get this when running current maxima cvs with cmucl 2011-04.
> (There are only a few minor differences between 2011-02 and 2011-04.)
> Did you run the testsuite twice in the same session?  There have been
> issues where running the testsuite twice in the same session will give
> different results.  Some of these issues have been caused by bugs in
> maxima itself and others are bugs in the tests themselves assuming
> some certain environment which isn't true when the testsuite is run
> twice.
> Ray
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I closed xmaxima and started a new session for the second test suite 
runs in all of the lisp dialects I tried.
CMUCL didn't really count the break as an error because it showed 0 
tests failed. It just reported it in the error summary.
GCL, however crashes on that test.

I examined "~/MaximaTest/share/maxima/5.24post/tests/rtest2.mac" and 
tried manually counting test pairs in that file.

I started a GCL session of maxima-5.24post in a Konsole shell and began 
to copy/paste test expressions into maxima from "rtest2.mac" for 
evaluation, starting in the neighborhood of the 50th test pair and 
continuing until the end of the file, and I couldn't get maxima to crash 
that way. Evidently the problem is in the running of the test suite 
using "run_testsuite(display_all = true);" because just 
"run_testsuite();" runs to completion.

If I start a GCL session of maxima-5.23.2 (also rebuilt with a vanilla 
configuration) in a Konsole shell and run the test suite using 
"run_testsuite(display_all = true);" it runs to completion without errors.
