How to "un-single-quote" expressions

Not sure what you have in mind here.

Why are you using ev(...) at all?  What do you expect that to do?

What do you expect diff( conjugate( f(x) ) ) to be?  After all, the
conjugate function is not differentiable.

Maxima has conjugate(kx*sin(x)) => kx*sin(x) because it assumes (unless told
otherwise) that all variables are real, and conjugate(x)=x for x real.  But
it assumes that arbitrary functions like kx(x) are in general complex.


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:17, Christian Weickhmann <
weickhmann at> wrote:

> Hi!
> I just ran into a problem with Maxima (v. 5.22.1) when evaluating the
> following
> expression:
> ev(
> %i*cos(kx*x)*diff(conjugate(kx(cos(kx*x))),x,1)*epsinvLC_yy*gamma+%i*cos(kx*x)*diff(kx(cos(kx*x)),x,1)*epsinvLC_yy*gamma);
> Basically what happens is: the two diff() get single-quoted
> automatically although I never requested it.
> Funny enough, when calling
> ev( diff(conjugate(kx(cos(kx*x))),x,1) );
> that just turns out fine.
> I made no assumptions about the variables. But assuming all of them (but
> x) positive, does not change the unwanted single-quoting.
> Is there anything I can do to *force* Maxima to evaluate the diff()?
> Regards,
> Christian
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. Christian Weickhmann
> Technische Universit?t Darmstadt
> Insitut f?r Mikrowellentechnik und Photonik
> Mikrowellentechnik / Microwave Engineering
> Merckstr. 25
> 64283 Darmstadt
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