detect unix or dos line endings

>>>>> "Edwin" == Edwin Woollett <woollett at> writes:

    Edwin> Hi Dan,  I would like to find a solution which only uses
    Edwin> the tools presently available in the Maxima language,
    Edwin> such as are provided in file reads, and string processing,
    Edwin> etc.  I would like to include something about

Perhaps this is within the letter of the maxima language but not the
spirit you're looking for, but the maxima language allows you to
escape to Lisp using ?.  Thus you can use ?read\-char to read a
character from a stream and then use other maxima functions to
determine if you've encountered LF or CR/LF or plain CR (Mac)
end-of-line sequences.

An alternative is to create new string processing tools to do what you
want.  The tools can then use Lisp as needed to implement the desired
functionality.  This is probably the best approach.
