Installing Maxima on MacOS X

Am 26.05.2011 um 18:53 schrieb Javier Arantegui:

> Are you using a PPC Mac? As far I know the compiled version of
> wxMaxima is intel only. In that case, a possible solution could be to
> compile it yourself using Fink. It takes some time to do it but it's
> not very difficult.

I am using MacPorts for installing and updating wxMaxima and Maxima. That should also work on PPC, I think. Furthermore it is very actively maintained. I think Fink is usually a bit older. YMMV
Both compile from source and as such will take some time and hard disk space.

Best regards,


Dipl.-Inform. Arne Schmitz              Phone   +49 (0)241 80-21817
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