On 05/29/2011 12:55 PM, Edwin Woollett wrote:
> I meant to include the code for
> the four arg version of read_data:
> -----------------------------------------------
> read_data([%v]) :=
> block ([%s,%r,%l,%filename,%dsep,%mult:true,%mix:false,
> %whole:[],%ln],
> %filename : part (%v,1),
> if not stringp (%filename)
> then ( disp (" file name must be a Maxima string "),
> return (false)),
> if not file_search (%filename) then
> (disp (" file not found "),return (false)),
> if length (%v) = 1 then %mix : true
> else if length(%v) = 2 then %dsep : part (%v,2)
> else if length (%v) = 3 then (%dsep : part (%v,2), %mult : part
> (%v,3))
> else (%dsep : part (%v,2), %mult : part (%v,3),%whole :
> part(%v,4)),
> %s : openr (%filename),
> %r : [],
> %ln : 0,
> while (%l : readline(%s)) # false do
> ( %ln : %ln + 1,
> if not lfreeof (%whole,%ln) then
> %r : cons (parse_string (%l),%r)
> else if %mix then
> %r : cons (map(parse_string, split(ssubst (" ",",",%l))), %r)
> else %r : cons (map(parse_string, split(%l,%dsep,%mult)), %r)),
> close (%s),
> reverse (%r))$
> -----------------
> ted
Hi Ted:
I tried the above listed read_data function and it was still choking on
the CRs in the data files on my Linux box.
I fiddled with it slightly and this is what it looks like now:
read_data([%v]) := block (
[%s,%r,%l,%filename,%dsep,%mult:true,%mix:false,%whole:[],%ln ],
%filename : part (%v,1),
if not stringp (%filename)
then ( disp (" file name must be a Maxima string "),
return (false)),
if not file_search (%filename) then
(disp (" file not found "),return (false)),
if length (%v) = 1 then %mix : true
else if length(%v) = 2 then %dsep : part (%v,2)
else if length(%v) = 3 then (%dsep : part (%v,2), %mult : part
else (%dsep : part (%v,2), %mult : part (%v,3),%whole : part(%v,4)),
%s : openr (%filename),
%r : [],
%ln : 0,
while (%l : readline(%s)) # false do
( %ln : %ln + 1,
/*Added the following two lines and the enclosing parens*/
%l : strim(" ", ssubst(" ", ascii(13), %l ) ),
if %l # "" then
if not lfreeof (%whole,%ln) then
%r : cons (parse_string (%l),%r)
else if %mix then
%r : cons (map(parse_string, split(ssubst (" ",",",%l))), %r)
%r : cons (map(parse_string, split(%l,%dsep,%mult)), %r)
close (%s),
reverse (%r));
Now it works on my Linux box, but you'll need to check it on your
Windows box. I tested it against all of the data files you listed in
your message where you forgot to post the code.
I started to go back and modify the ?read\-char method I submitted
earlier, but I soon discovered it was more work than I wanted to do to
get it to automatically determine the data types it was reading. Maybe
I'll play more with that another time just for fun. I was having
difficulty trying to catch errors in Maxima so I could gracefully close
the file and exit, but I wasn't able to do that either.