There are the functions trigreduce and trigsimp. However,
1. "A" and "B" are just constants for Maxima, there is no way it can
self-generate A=cos(c), B=-sin(c).
2. The expression you sent is not always true, it holds only if -1<A<1
and -1<B<1.
Hence, if you know inequalities in 2. are true, then there exist a
value c, such that 1. is valid. If you assume all this then
trigreduce( subst([A=cos(c), B=-sin(c)], A*cos(w*t)+B*sin(w*t)) )
does the trick.
I hope this helps.
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Renzo Del Fabbro
<renzodelfabbro at> wrote:
> Hi
> is there a way to simplify
> A*cos(w*t)+B*sin(w*t)
> to the form
> K*cos(w*t+c)
> Thanks
> Regards
> Renzo
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M. Sc. Juan Pablo Carbajal
PhD Student
University of Z?rich