Setting of gcd variable.

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----


Without knowing any thing more, I can't even guess. In general, spmod is the least likely to 
cause Maxima to halt with a Lisp error, but spmod sometimes misses simplifications 
that subres does. To decide what is best for your expressions, I'd suggest experimentation:

  gcd_try(e) := map(lambda([s], block([gcd : s], ratsimp(e))), ['red, 'subres, 'spmod, 'mod, false]);
You can also experiment with algebraic set to true/false.


Declared facts are used by some, but not all simplification functions: Example

 (%i1) assume(equal(x,0));
 (%o1) [equal(x,0)]

 (%i2) [abs(x), cos(x),1+x, sign(x)];
 (%o2) [0,cos(x),x+1,zero]

When an assumption isn't considered by a (simplification) function, you might be able to 
get tellsimpafter to do the the job.

>Maxima at