file_convert to change eol chars of file

Some simple code, created as part of
my revision of Ch. 2 of Maxima by Example,
illustrates simple Maxima programming in
the context of string manipulation.

Here we use file_convert(source-file, new-file, new-type)
to convert a windows eol file [cr][lf] to unix eol file [lf].

(%i1) load(eol_chars);
(%o1) "c:/work2/eol_chars.mac"
(%i2) printfile("text1w.txt")$
is this line one? Yes, this is line one.
This might be line two.
Here is line three.
I insist that this be line four.
This is line five, isn't it?
(%i3) eol_chars("text1w.txt");
(%o3) [13,10]
(%i4) file_length("text1w.txt");
(%o4) 152
(%i5) file_convert("text1w.txt","text2u.txt",unix);
(%o5) true
(%i6) printfile("text2u.txt")$
is this line one? Yes, this is line one.
This might be line two.
Here is line three.
I insist that this be line four.
This is line five, isn't it?
(%i7) eol_chars("text2u.txt");
(%o7) [10]
(%i8) file_length("text2u.txt");
(%o8) 147
  read_text(%filename) :=
     block ([%s,%r:[],%l ],
      if not stringp (%filename)
         then ( disp (" file name must be a Maxima string "),
              return (false)),
      if not file_search (%filename) then
         (disp (" file not found "),return (false)),
      %s : openr (%filename),
      while (%l : readline(%s)) # false do
          %r : cons (%l,%r),
      reverse (%r))$

file_length (%fname) :=
    block ([%s,%fl ],
      %s : openr (%fname),
     /* number of chars in file */
     %fl : flength (%s),
     close (%s),

eol_chars(%fname) :=
  block([%s,%lch,eolL :[],%nch,%Nf : 0 ],
    if not file_search (%fname)
        then (disp(" file not found "),return(false)),
    %s : openr (%fname),
     ( %lch : ?read\-char (%s,false),
      if %lch = false then return(),
      %nch : cint (cunlisp (%lch)),
      if not lfreeof ([10,13],%nch) then
        (%Nf : %Nf + 1,
         eolL : cons (%nch,eolL),
         if %Nf = 2 then return ())
        if %Nf = 1 then return()),
    reverse (eolL))$

 file_convert(%oldfname,%newfname,%newtype) :=
   block ([%ntL,%otL,%snew,%eolL,%linesL,%l1 ],
     if %newtype = windows then %ntL : [13,10]
     else if %newtype = unix then %ntL : [10]
     else if %newtype = mac then %ntL : [13]
      (disp (" valid types are windows, unix and mac "),
       return (false)),
     %otL : eol_chars (%oldfname),
     if %otL = %ntL then
      ( print ("check of first line of source file shows eol chars are 
already ",%newtype),
        return (false)),
     %snew : openw (%newfname),
     /* convert decimal form to strings */
     %eolL : map ('ascii, %ntL),
     /* create list of strings containing contents
        (including blank lines) of old file using
        read_text (which uses readline, based on use
        of Lisp read-line )  */
     %snew : openw (%newfname),
     %linesL : read_text (%oldfname),
     if (not %linesL) or (length (%linesL) = 0)
       then ( close(%snew), return(false)),
     for %l1 in %linesL do
      ( flatten (cons (%l1, %eolL)),
        apply ('sconcat, %%),
        printf (%snew,"~a",%%)),
     close (%snew))$
Ted Woollett