On 13/06/2011 1:08 AM, meri sguanci wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a noob, so I'm sorry for the stupid question. I started using Maxima
> few days ago 'cause I need it for a project @ university. I have a very
> simple problem: I don't know how to find the minimum of an
> expression on a domain.
> This is what I've done:
> /* [wxMaxima: input start ] */
> cmin1:1.1;
> cmin2:1.5;
> cqi1:3;
> cqi2:1;
> xmin1:0.8;
> xmin2:0.85;
> Pnom1:80;
> -Pnom2:120;
> Preq:80;
> /* [wxMaxima: input end ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input start ] */
> cost1(P1):=P1*(cmin1+cqi1*(P1/Pnom1-xmin1)^2);
> /* [wxMaxima: input end ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input start ] */
> cost2(P2):=P2*(cmin2+cqi2*(P2/Pnom2-xmin2)^2);
> /* [wxMaxima: input end ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input start ] */
> COSTOTOT(P1,P2):=cost1(P1)+cost2(P2);
> /* [wxMaxima: input end ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input start ] */
> plot3d(COSTOTOT(P1,P2),[P1,0,Pnom1],[P2,0,Pnom2]);
> /* [wxMaxima: input end ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input start ] */
> Costo1v(P1):=cost1(P1)+cost2(Preq-P1);
> /* [wxMaxima: input end ] */
> I need to know the minimum of Costo1v with P1 in the range [0,Pnom1].
> How can I do?
> Thanks a Lot for ur time and help
> Yours,
> Maria Sguanci
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You have written "-Pnom2:120;". I have taken this to mean
"Pnom2:-120;". If you meant something else then your answers will be
different, but the methodology is the same.
The first thing to do is to plot the expression
This shows that the function is well-behaved with a minimum near P1 ~ 78.
The global extrema are found at the points where
diff(Costo1v(P1),P1)=0. Don't forget to check for local extrema at the
ends of the domain.
[P1 = - 29.80284238565096, P1 = 78.49849455956399]
Either by inspection from the graph, or by evaluating
diff(Costo1v(P1),P1,2), you can determine if the extrema a maxima,
minima or inflection points.