Neither of the two approaches used in the following script generates
arguments acceptable to plot2d. (My intent is to use maxima for
prototyping and debugging fortran, so I want to stay as close as
possible to fortran idiom, particularly with respect to array usage.)
Any help would be appreciated.
lognormal(x) := (1/x)*exp(-(log(x/x0))^2/(2*sig^2));
tfmi(t) := first(quad_qagi(lognormal(s)*exp(-s*t), s, 10^-16, inf));
x0:2; sig:2; amp:0.1;
tfmi(0.1); /* OK */
tfmi(1.0); /* OK */
numberp(tfmi(0.1)); /* true */
plot2d(tfmi(t),[t,0.1,1]); /* fails */
array(tvec, 20);
array(yvec, 20);
for i:0 step 1 thru 19 do
tvec[i]: 0.1*i,
yvec[i]: tfmi(tvec[i])
display(tvec[3],yvec[3]); /* OK */
plot2d([discrete,tvec,yvec]); /* fails */