semi-newbie | differences in solve

Greetings --

On 6/20/2011 4:14 PM, Barton Willis wrote:
> ----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
>> whereas linsolve(df,p) yields p=y/N as expected.
> The function linsolve doesn't check for linearity, so calling linsolve
> on a nonlinear equation is hazardous; example
> Bogus:
>   (%i16) linsolve(p + p^3-42,p);
>   (%o16) [p=42]

Clearly -- should be p=3.38015...

Challenge here is the complex roots, I suppose.

> There is an alternative solver in Maxima (to_poly_solve), but it isn't able to solve
> this equation either:
>   (%i17) load(to_poly_solver)$
>   (%i18) %solve(factor(df),p);
>    Nonalgebraic argument given to 'topoly' unable to solve
>   (%o18) %solve([((1-p)^(N-y)*p^(y-1)*(p*N-y))/(p-1)],[p])
> Examples of eqquations that the to_poly_solve package can solve:
>   (%i23) %solve(x - 19/4 = sqrt(x - 5),x);
>   (%o23) %union([x=21/4])
>   (%i25) %solve([max(x,x-y)=10, min(x+y,8)=-12],[x,y]);
>   (%o25) %union([x=-1,y=-11])
> --Barton

Thanks very much. I suppose it is worth noting that there are at least 
5-6 different forms of 'solve' in Maple, so having to 'futz' (from the 
Latin) with the same issue in Maxima is nothing new.  I guess the only 
thing that might be useful in the broad sense is embedding some of this 
(or some summary of 'structural issues') into the Maxima help system, to 
provide some guidance.