semi-newbie | differences in solve

On 6/21/2011 8:43 AM, Richard Fateman wrote:
> The issue here is, to some extent, not solve but how much 
> simplification should be used automatically by any command (including 
> solve) in processing.  One can try any or all of a substantial number 
> of simplification programs, including ratsimp, fullratsimp, trigsimp, 
> exponentialize, factor .... at every juncture, including "is",  "if", 
> "solve" ...
> or
> expect that the user will occasionally make a choice of some 
> transformation before calling the command.
> Solve is perhaps unusual in that it may eventually conclude  something 
> like "nope, I couldn't do that"  and could then try some extra tools.
> But just factoring the input to solve is probably NOT a good idea, 
> given the potential expense of factoring when it is pointless.

Agree completely. For example, normally we work with the log of the 
binomial (maximizing likelihood of p):

lf : y*log(p)+(N-y)*log(1-p);

dlf : diff(lf,p);


In this case, solve yields the 'right answer' (p=y/N).