Allegro + Maxima on Windows.

On 6/24/2011 8:40 AM, Johan de Kleer wrote:
> Thanks for your answer.  I should describe my application.  I have a 
> large Allegro Lisp application that now needs to do symbolic 
> manipulation.  I could interface with Matlab/Mathematica but thats a 
> lot of new learning and I won't have the source.
> Since you have done this before let me ask you a question.  If I have 
> maxima running (with run), any other listener's read-eval-print is 
> disabled which is a real pain.  A lot of my problems went away when I 
> dynamically bind some critical variables in run like *debugger-hook*, 
> *readtable*,.... The current Macsyma doesn't rebind them and clobbers 
> them globally??????????

The Macsyma/Maxima  read-eval-print loop has grown over the years to  
include a host of hacks to allow it to run in various incompatible 
lisps. In addition to which, some people have just written their own 
front ends (like wxmaxima) in non-Lisp languages, to make themselves 
more comfortable, and perhaps more portable over different operating 

wxmaxima allows a user to type on a command line    :lisp   (defun ..... 
and so it must change back the readtable and such to normal lisp, at 
least when parsing the rest of that line.
there is also a function   to_lisp()
which puts you in a lisp REPL  until you type (to-maxima).

So this is something other people have done.

On the other hand, I don't know exactly how they've done it and I don't 
know what dbm-read is really supposed to do.

If I have a program calling something in Maxima, I never use Maxima's 
front end.  I compose the problem and create the data, and
call the appropriate program.  e.g. to compute polynomial gcd, I do  
(pgcd A B).

As far as multivariate polynomials -- they do form a Euclidean domain;  
considered recursively in variables v1,v2,...,vn,  a polynomial ring in 
v1 whose coefficients are (recursively) polynomials in v2 , ... vn ...  
are just fine.
Maxima has Grobner basis calculations, but unless you absolutely need 
this, it is generally to be avoided.
Solving systems of polynomial constraints may be done by computing 

I hope this is of some use.


> My current problem is that if one Listener is running maxima, 
> read-eval-print is broken for every othre one.  And I cannot figure 
> out the problem.  After some hours I've isolated it to a read-char in 
> dbm-read.  If that read-char is waiting for a character all the other 
> Listener's cannot eval.  So there is some other variable Maxima is 
> setting globally which is causing the problem that I have not 
> identified.  Any idea of which?  One clue is that if I print out 
> messages to the listener in dmb-read those same messages gets read by 
> dbm-read and it gets obvious syntax errors.  Or, if I don't, things 
> are sensitive to the delay, so just sleeping a bit or printing out 
> something causes an error too many characters to unread.  Something is 
> very messed up in the reading/processes inside of dbm-read but I 
> cannot figure out what the problem is.  Very very bizarre behavior.
> BTW, since you are an expert.  The first I need is multivareate 
> polynomial gcd.  They do not form a Euclidean domain so I need Grobner 
> bases which I assume this Macsyma does?
> At 07:39 AM 6/24/2011, Richard Fateman wrote:
>> On 6/23/2011 1:06 PM, dekleer at <mailto:dekleer at> wrote:
>>> I see a number of emails about using Allegro.  However, I downloaded 
>>> the latest version and it seems to have many problems.  I managed to 
>>> get Macsyma to work, but its still fragile.  Am I using a wrong 
>>> version?  I have Allegro 8.2 and 5.24.0. I used configure.lisp to 
>>> create Maxima.  A few of the problems are:
>>> -          Case errors in package names, e.g., the source uses 
>>> (in-package "BIGLOAT") and (in-package "bigfloat") interchangeably.
>>> -          Share-subdirs.lisp does not get created.  So I have to 
>>> construct it by hand.
>>> -          Some of the $file_... search pathnames are incorrect. 
>>> Some of the pathnames have "//" which are not legal under Windows.  
>>> Source of the problem seems to be whatever sets **maxima-userid**
>>> -          Error handling (i.e., catch tags)  does not work.  
>>> Haven't debugged that yet.
>>> I'm willing to upload these and other fixes.  But I suspect someone 
>>> must have done this all before judging from the email traffic.
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>> I have built Maxima on Allegro a number of times, and it (Maxima) is 
>> not entirely satisfactorily configured for Allegro
>> when Allegro is run in my favorite mode (in which upper and lower 
>> case are used).  But if I use Allegro in the upper-casifying "ANSI" 
>> mode, which is, I think, the default for the free system, then it 
>> generally works.  I have not tried to bring up the interface to gplot 
>> or wxmaxima, so I don't know if it works.
>> For some systems, a package name can appear as   :bigfloat  :BIGFLOAT 
>> "BIGFLOAT" and be the same. I think it should be :bigfloat, but at 
>> least it should always be the same.
>> I have not used makefile at all, and have not constructed the share 
>> subdirectories.  Macsyma originally had (and still has) a 
>> lisp-language makefile kind of thing to build a system.   I have long 
>> ago given up on the notion of keeping that up to date, and now 
>> building Maxima depends on a raft of other tools, some of which are 
>> handy and standard in ways that ANSI CL may not be, some of which are 
>> superfluous and represent some habit inherited from some programmer's 
>> previous projects.
>> Maxima code should be conditionalized for error handling since (I 
>> think) GCL doesn't conform to ANSI.  so some of the 
>> conditionalizations like #+CMU    might need to be changed to #+(or 
>> CMU Franz)    or some such.
>> You may, in fact, have gone further than I have in pushing Maxima 
>> through the free Allegro.  Note: I was not able to compile all the 
>> converted-from-fortran stuff in the free Allegro. At least a few 
>> years ago.  But it DOES compile in a paid-up copy, and can be loaded 
>> into a free Allegro.  I don't know about now.
>> If you have strong reasons to use Maxima in a free Allegro, maybe we 
>> should talk.  As it is, there is not exactly a groundswell for 
>> setting this up, and Franz Inc doesn't seem to care one way or the 
>> other.  [It represents no income, so that is fair business assessment!]
>> RJF