Allegro + Maxima on Windows.

On 6/25/2011 1:10 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman<fateman at>  writes:
>      Richard>  I have built Maxima on Allegro a number of times, and it
>      Richard>  (Maxima) is not entirely satisfactorily configured for
>      Richard>  Allegro when Allegro is run in my favorite mode (in which
>      Richard>  upper and lower case are used).  But if I use Allegro in
>      Richard>  the upper-casifying "ANSI" mode, which is, I think, the
>      Richard>  default for the free system, then it generally works.  I
> I thought some time ago Douglas had made some changes to allow Maxima
> to be used with a "modern-mode" Lisp could be used.
I haven't experimented recently.
>   I don't think
> anyone has intentionally tried to make the code not work; it's just
> probably not developer is using such a Lisp, so these kinds of
> incompatible changes just leak in.
>      Richard>  For some systems, a package name can appear as  
>      Richard>  :bigfloat  :BIGFLOAT "BIGFLOAT" and be the same. I think
>      Richard>  it should be :bigfloat, but at least it should always be
>      Richard>  the same.
>      Richard>  I have not used makefile at all, and have not constructed
>      Richard>  the share subdirectories.  Macsyma originally had (and
>      Richard>  still has) a lisp-language makefile kind of thing to
>      Richard>  build a system.   I have long ago given up on the notion
> Maxima uses mk:defsys to build all of the Lisp code.
That  in and of itself  should be just fine in Allegro.
> The other stuff
> is built in other ways.  I don't think it's easy to build the
> documentation from a pure Lisp system.
Apparently it's not so each to do outside of Lisp, judging from a spate 
of email a few months ago.
If one has a unicode-compatible Lisp, it seems to me it would be  no 
easier, really, in Perl or whatever
is used, to produce indexes and stuff.