get fpprintprec to round float inside function?

I would like to use fpprintprec (or is there another
way?)  to round bytes to KB inside a function
folder_info, using code like:
   folder_info ( %fnamec )  :=

     block ( [ %vb, %afL, fpprintprec : 2,
                          %rbL : [],  %fiL  ],

       display (fpprintprec),

       %afL : ls (%fnamec),

       for %vb in %afL do

         ( %fiL : file_info ( %vb ),
           %rbL : cons ( [ scut ( %vb ),
               part ( %fiL,  2),
               float ( part ( %fiL, 4)/1000 ) ],

       reverse (%rbL))$
The fourth element of the list returned by
file_info is the number of bytes in the
file ( gotten from flength after using

The indicated display of the local value of
fpprintprec is 2 but no float rounding
(%i1) load(search_mfiles);
(%o1)                     c:/work2/search_mfiles.mac

(%i2) folder_info ("c:/work2/temp1/");
                                fpprintprec = 2

(%o2) [[atext1.txt, 6, 0.154], [atext2.txt, 7, 0.156],
[calc1news.txt, 116, 4.187], [ndata1.dat, 9, 0.336],
[stavros-tricks.txt, 44, 1.424], [text1.txt, 5, 0.152], [text2.txt, 5, 
[trigsimplification.txt, 157, 4.983], [wu-d.txt, 4, 0.258]]

(%i3) ( fpprintprec : 2,  float ( 1424/1000 ) );
(%o3)                                 1.4

Ted Woollett