get fpprintprec to round float inside function?

On June 30, 2011, Richard Fateman wrote:
>I think you can do this:

>    block([fpprecprint:2],
>        display ( folder_info1(path)))
This method avoids introducing an extraneous global variable,
but the output (with fpprecprint --> fpprintprec (!) ) still has the
display command exhibited on the left hand side (although we
get correct rounding).

I have decided to abandon producing a list, and instead accept a
series of line outputs, most simply produced by using print,
although one could get fancier with formated output via

With the code:
folder_info (path):=
           for vp in folder_info1 (path) do
                 apply ('print,vp))$
the output is correctly rounded and looks like:
(%i3) folder_info ("c:/work2/temp1/");
atext1.txt 6 0.2 
atext2.txt 7 0.2 
calc1news.txt 116 4.2 
ndata1.dat 9 0.3 
stavros-tricks.txt 44 1.4 
text1.txt 5 0.2 
text2.txt 5 0.2 
trigsimplification.txt 157 5.0 
wu-d.txt 4 0.3 
(%o3)                                done
displaying name, number of lines, and KB.

Ted Woollett