On July 4, 2011, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Would someone give me an example of how
> I can use f2cl (via ..src/numerical/f2cl-package.lisp)
> to convert some fortran procedures to common
> lisp.
> Do I need a fortran source file?
> Where does the translation appear?
in another file, as lisp.
My basic 'getting started' questions are then:
1. What type of initial load (lisp-file) load is needed
to get access to f2cl (in Maxima)?
2. What is the syntax of call to f2cl?
for example, would this
work?: ?f2cl (fsource,fdest)
my experiment:
I have copied both f2cl-package.lisp and
f2cl-lib.lisp to c:/work2, my work folder,
and have a fortran source file flmoon.for
in the same folder:
(%i5) load("f2cl-package.lisp");
(%o5) f2cl-package.lisp
(%i6) load("f2cl-lib.lisp");
(%o6) f2cl-lib.lisp
(%i7) ?f2cl("flmoon.for");
(%o7) f2cl(flmoon.for)
(%i8) ?f2cl("c:/work2/flmoon.for");
(%o8) f2cl(c:/work2/flmoon.for)
(%i9) ?f2cl("flmoon.for","flmoon.lisp");
(%o9) f2cl(flmoon.for, flmoon.lisp)
so Maxima doesn't know what f2cl means.
Evidently I need another lisp file.
I could not find a definition of f2cl in either
of these lisp files.