Do not print a function's arguments?

On Tuesday, 5. July 2011 09:12:50 Thomas Albrecht wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a function
> (%i1) u : u(x);
> hence,
> (%i2) derivabbrev: true$
> (%i3) diff(u,x);
> gives (_ denotes subscript)
> (%o3) u(x)_x
> Is there a way to make Maxima print
> u_x
> instead? I.e., to omit the function's arguments for clarity?
> Cheers,
> Thomas

Found it.

(%i1) depends(u, x);

did the trick.

Thomas Albrecht
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Institute of Safety Research                   Tel.: +49 (0)351 2602377
P.O. Box 51 01 19, D-01314 Dresden / Germany   Fax : +49 (0)351 2602007
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