trouble w/ pushing commits -- "failed to push some refs"

I did a git pull before trying to push stuff.
I guess I should have mentioned that.


Robert Dodier

On 7/15/11, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:
>>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:
>     Robert> I gather the stuff I have is out of date wrt the SF repo, right?
>     Robert> Now how shall I resolve that -- I gather that I could rebase,
>     Robert> but that would throw away the history, which I'd rather not
>     Robert> have to recreate. How can I bring my repo up to date without
>     Robert> throwing away the commit history? Or maybe it's actually
>     Robert> some other problem?
> I think you need to do a git pull.  This will bring your local copy
> up-to-date and then you can push your changes.
> Maybe.  I'm still learning all this new-fangled stuff.
> Ray
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