undocumented maxima functions

The undocumented maxima func <directory>
(line 249: suprv1.lisp) had the definition:
(defun $directory (path)
  (cons '(mlist) (mapcar 'namestring (directory ($filename_merge path)))))
The maxima function <filename_merge> has only documentation
  for the two arg form:
  filename_merge (path, filename) 
Constructs a modified path from path and filename.
If the final component of path is of the 
form ###.something, the component is replaced with
filename.something. Otherwise, the final
component is simply replaced by filename. 

The result is a Lisp pathname object. 
>From that help file info, it is not clear
what the one arg form does, as used in
the def. of $directory.

Ted Woollett