access to $display from Lisp REPL?

Am Freitag, den 22.07.2011, 15:20 -0700 schrieb Edwin Woollett:
> Is it possible to call $display (line 737, comm.lisp) from
> inside the Lisp interpreter?  
> The definition starts with (defmspec $display (form) ...)
> I get a lisp error if I naively call it like a function:
> -----------------------------------------
> MAXIMA> (setf s1 "This is my string")
> "This is my string"
> MAXIMA> ($display s1)
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>  Error in EVAL [or a callee]: The function $DISPLAY is undefined.
> Automatically continuing.
> To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
> ------------------------------------------------

The macro defmspec defines a special form of a Maxima function. One
possibility to use the function is to call Maximas evaluator directly:

MAXIMA> (setq $form '((mplus) $a ((mtimes) 2 $x)))
((MPLUS) $A ((MTIMES) 2 $X))

MAXIMA> (meval '(($display) $form))

form = 2*x+a


MAXIMA> (setq $form "This is my string")

"This is my string"

MAXIMA> (meval '(($display) $form))

form = "This is my string"


The definition of a special form is on the property list:

MAXIMA> (get '$display 'mfexpr*)

The following is executed by the evaluator and can be used directly too:

MAXIMA> (apply (get '$display 'mfexpr*) (cons `(($display) $form) nil))

form = "This is my string"

Dieter Kaiser