Stack overflow on silly arithmetic

Here's a simpler example:

floor (log (2^(floor (log (- 1)) - 1) - 1));

*** - Program stack overflow. RESET

I've opened a bug report for it:


Robert Dodier

On 7/30/11, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> wrote:
> OK, on looking at this again, I think it's a simplifier bug.
> The display code does have trouble w/ Lisp complex numbers,
> but I think that's a distraction. (I fixed the display problem, but
> the bug still occurs.)
> The code in the original report
> is this:
> log10(x):=log(x)/log(10);
> char(x):=floor(log10(x))+1;
> mantissa(x):=x/10**char(x);
> chop(x,d):=(10**char(x))*(floor(mantissa(x)*(10**d))/(10**d));
> rnd(x,d):=chop(x+5*10**(char(x)-d-1),d);
> d:5;
> a:10;
> Ibwd:[[30,rnd(integrate((x**60)/(1+10*x^2),x,0,1),d)]];
> for n from 30 thru 1 step -1 do
> Ibwd:append([[n-1,rnd(1/(2*n-1)-a*last(first(Ibwd)),d)]],Ibwd);
> Try tracing SPLITPROD and COMPSPLT1 -- I find that the loop gets through
> several iterations (calling SPLITPROD and COMPSPLT1 along the way),
> then it gets into an endless recursion in which SPLITPROD and COMPSPLT1
> are called over and over, until it gets a stack overflow.
> best
> Robert Dodier
> PS. I am working with nearly-current source from Git.