Maxima 5.25.0

I dunno. Why not write "fixed in 5.25post" ?

Git is far from easy to use. I guess I want to avoid forcing
developers to flounder around with it, any more than we have already.

Robert Dodier

On 8/2/11, Leo Butler <l_butler at> wrote:
> Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:
>> Hi, I've tagged version-5.25.0 in Git and uploaded rpms and
>> tar.gz to the SF file manager.
> Robert,
> I'd like to suggest that development proceed on a branch,
> pre-5.26. At release time for 5.26, you can rebase and merge
> this branch onto master, etc.
> A bug fix report on SF that reads "fixed in pre-5.26" is
> more informative than "fixed in git".
> --
> Leo Butler                <l_butler at>
> SDF Public Access UNIX System -