Sounds like a bug in kill(all).
What is the error message?
If you post tdot.mac I will give it a try.
Robert Dodier
On 8/13/11, Bernard Hurley <bernard at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was under the impression that kill(all) cleaned all user-created
> definitions out of the global environment. However it seems that it
> doesn't. I am developing a package (called tdot) and I have some code
> (what it does precisely isn't relevant to my point) in a wxMaxima cell
> which starts:
> kill(all)$
> load("tdot.mac")$
> gcoords(x,y,q)$
> ......etc
> The first time I run the cell it fails; however if I run it a second
> time it works perfectly. It also works perfectly if I repeat these first
> three lines at the top of the cell. This suggests that kill(all) doesn't
> kill everything. If anyone has any suggestions at this stage about what
> might be happening I would be grateful, if not I will try to isolate a
> minimal example of this phenomenon as it looks like it might be some
> sort of bug.
> Thanks,
> Bernard.
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