Is there a way to solve this integral?

On 8/19/11 9:24 AM, Martin Kielhorn wrote:
> Hi,
> is there way, to help maxima along solving the following integral?
> integrate(acos((2*c+k*u)/sqrt((1-k^2/4)*(1-u^2))),u);
> wolframalpha solves the problem with the input
> Integrate[ArcCos[(2*c + k*u)/ Sqrt[(1-k^2/4)*(1-u^2)]],u]
> However, I would very much like to be able to stay within maxima.
If Wolfram Alpha provides an answer for you, why do you need maxima to
provide an answer?  Yes, it would be nice if maxima could produce an
answer, but it apparently can't.  Why not just move on?  Unless, of
course, you want to improve maxima's integration routine.
