Yes, Bernando, it is possible. Have a look at the package mnewton. It
implements a multivariate Newton method for solving systems of non-linear
differential equations. That is, it is a generalization of the
Newton-Raphson method for root-finding of functions of one variable.
Personally, I would prefer Broyden's method instead of multivariate Newton,
because Broyden's method is based on Secant (its one-dimension equivalent).
Nevertheless, multivariate Newton is not bad.
Note that, depending on the problem at hand, a "good" initial guess might be
necessary. If your initial guesses for the unknown variables are very bad,
mnewton will fail to converge, and you will need to try again with different
2011/9/12 bernardo gomez <bernardo at>
> Hi !
> It is possible to solve numerically a system Maxima of 2 nonlinear
> equations ?
> Thanks !
> bernardo
> --
> *Instituto de F?sica Rosario*
> *Grupo de F?sica de Plasmas*
> 27 de Febrero 210 bis
> (S2000EZP) Rosario
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