Multiple plots: oddities (bugs?), missing features in Xmaxima and wxMaxima
Subject: Multiple plots: oddities (bugs?), missing features in Xmaxima and wxMaxima
From: Edwin Woollett
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 13:32:38 -0700
On Sept. 16, 2011, Virgil L wrote
It seems that getting several plot windows simultaneously
displayed is problematic, buggy, undocumented or impossible ...
For what it is worth, perhaps for other Maxima users,
I use the Xmaxima GUI (ver. 5.25.1) with Windows XP, and get
as many multiple plots as I want using the XMaxima menu
choice Options, Plot Windows, Embedded, and then
typing plot2d commands.
A plot2d command then brings up an embedded plot which can be
reduced in size using the minus icon associated with the embedded
plot panel.
Another plot requires clicking the mouse at the new prompt and
entering the new plot2d command.
One then has a series of plots which can be compared.
The embedded plot feature in XMaxima appears to be
still "under construction", since the various control
icons are not labeled and one must experiment.
The leftmost control icon is an X which causes the
embedded plot to vanish, apparently forever?
The next icon, reading left to right, is some sort of
crossed tool icon, which may be what the help screen
means by the 'config menu'. I was not successful in
getting, for example, the linewidth choice to have any
effect on the plot. The third icon is mysterious. The help
screen was no help.
None of the above is meant to denigrate my favorite
user interface for using Maxima, an interface which
is steadily getting more useful.
Ted Woollett