Initial- and boundary-value problems in Maxima.

Raymond Toy wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at>
> wrote:
>> Before we do anything else, let's agree on what exactly is being tested.
>> The profile that I reported was using the current maxima sources using
>> cmucl.  I just did load(colnew), then enabled profiling for the MAXIMA
>> and
>> COLNEW packages and then load("share/colnew/prob4.mac").   What steps did
>> you use?
>> Also, perhaps prob4 is more complex that we really need.  I think
>> prob1.mac is a simpler test.; let's use that for comparison.
>> prob1 doesn't take very long to run.  prob2 takes longer, so let's use
> that.
> Ray

OK. Here is the first step, i am profiling prob2 with the latest maxima
compiled with sbcl, since i have it at hand. 
I will run maxima compiled with cmucl later on.

First the deterministic profiler.
Here is the result:
niobe% rlwrap bin/maxima
Maxima 5.25.1
using Lisp SBCL 1.0.43

(%i1) load(colnew);


(%i2) :lisp(sb-profile:profile "COLNEW")

(%i2) load(prob2);


(%i3) :lisp(sb-profile:report)
measuring PROFILE overhead..done

  seconds  |     gc     |    consed   |  calls |  sec/call  |  name  
     1.732 |      0.012 |  41,630,560 |     74 |   0.023403 | COLNEW::LSYSLV
     0.668 |      0.031 |  12,610,568 |  1,584 |   0.000422 | COLNEW::VWBLOK
     0.590 |      0.015 |  32,386,360 |  2,782 |   0.000212 | COLNEW::DGESL
     0.224 |      0.029 |  11,143,912 |    396 |   0.000566 | COLNEW::DGEFA
     0.171 |      0.041 |  11,650,088 |     49 |   0.003490 | COLNEW::SBBLOK
     0.158 |      0.000 |           0 | 52,818 |   0.000003 | COLNEW::DAXPY
     0.090 |      0.000 |     644,576 |  5,893 |   0.000015 | COLNEW::APPROX
     0.033 |      0.000 |   2,068,232 |     16 |   0.002046 | COLNEW::FCBLOK
     0.029 |      0.000 |           0 |  2,772 |   0.000010 | COLNEW::DSCAL
     0.026 |      0.000 |   1,799,408 |     10 |   0.002552 | COLNEW::NEWMSH
     0.018 |      0.000 |      89,360 |  1,312 |   0.000014 | COLNEW::RKBAS
     0.016 |      0.000 |     806,416 |      4 |   0.003921 | COLNEW::ERRCHK
     0.012 |      0.000 |           0 |  1,198 |   0.000010 | COLNEW::SUBFOR
     0.011 |      0.000 |           0 |  2,772 |   0.000004 | COLNEW::IDAMAX
     0.010 |      0.000 |     150,824 |     64 |   0.000153 | COLNEW::GDERIV
     0.008 |      0.000 |     646,864 |    396 |   0.000020 | COLNEW::FACTRB
     0.004 |      0.000 |           0 |     49 |   0.000079 | COLNEW::DMZSOL
     0.003 |      0.000 |           0 |  1,198 |   0.000002 | COLNEW::SUBBAK
     0.002 |      0.000 |      28,648 |    162 |   0.000009 | COLNEW::HORDER
     0.001 |      0.000 |           0 |    380 |   0.000002 | COLNEW::SHIFTB
     0.000 |      0.000 |   6,792,408 |      1 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::CONTRL
     0.000 |      0.000 |     966,848 |  1,594 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::GBLOCK
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |      4 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::VMONDE
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |      1 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::CONSTS
     0.000 |      0.000 |       4,096 |      4 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::SKALE
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |     21 |   0.000000 | COLNEW:APPSLN
     0.000 |      0.000 |      28,376 |      1 |   0.000000 | COLNEW:COLNEW
     3.803 |      0.128 | 123,447,544 | 75,555 |            | Total

estimated total profiling overhead: 0.43 seconds

Since fsub, dfsub are called inside LSYSL while all the other are pure lisp, 
we see that half of the time  is in colnew, almost half in fsub dfsub, as in 
the prob3 case.

One also sees that the linpack routines to solve linear systems, dgesl dgefa
daxpy use 1s, that is half the time spent in colnew proper.

Then i have changed the colnew-if.lisp in 5.25.1 to the file where fsub 
dfsub etc are real functions and not flets to be able to profile them.

(%i1) load(colnew);
(%i2) :lisp(sb-profile:profile fsub dfsub "COLNEW")

(%i2) load(prob2);
(%i3) :lisp(sb-profile:report)
measuring PROFILE overhead..done

  seconds  |     gc     |    consed   |  calls |  sec/call  |  name  
     1.355 |      0.000 |  12,880,288 |  4,632 |   0.000292 | FSUB
     0.704 |      0.000 |  11,850,192 |  1,584 |   0.000445 | DFSUB
     0.580 |      0.066 |  28,463,896 |     74 |   0.007841 | COLNEW::LSYSLV
     0.567 |      0.013 |  32,434,888 |  2,782 |   0.000204 | COLNEW::DGESL
     0.225 |      0.005 |  11,057,520 |    396 |   0.000567 | COLNEW::DGEFA
     0.147 |      0.039 |  11,592,584 |     49 |   0.002998 | COLNEW::SBBLOK
     0.126 |      0.000 |           0 | 52,818 |   0.000002 | COLNEW::DAXPY
     0.069 |      0.000 |     950,472 |  5,893 |   0.000012 | COLNEW::APPROX
     0.030 |      0.000 |   1,817,520 |     10 |   0.002951 | COLNEW::NEWMSH
     0.021 |      0.000 |           0 |  1,198 |   0.000017 | COLNEW::SUBBAK
     0.019 |      0.000 |     154,736 |     64 |   0.000294 | COLNEW::GDERIV
     0.019 |      0.000 |   2,133,696 |     16 |   0.001169 | COLNEW::FCBLOK
     0.017 |      0.000 |     137,872 |  1,312 |   0.000013 | COLNEW::RKBAS
     0.014 |      0.000 |     805,872 |      4 |   0.003417 | COLNEW::ERRCHK
     0.008 |      0.000 |     568,752 |    396 |   0.000020 | COLNEW::FACTRB
     0.006 |      0.000 |           0 |  2,772 |   0.000002 | COLNEW::DSCAL
     0.004 |      0.000 |           0 |  2,772 |   0.000001 | COLNEW::IDAMAX
     0.003 |      0.000 |           0 |     49 |   0.000058 | COLNEW::DMZSOL
     0.003 |      0.000 |           0 |     21 |   0.000134 | COLNEW:APPSLN
     0.002 |      0.000 |           0 |  1,198 |   0.000001 | COLNEW::SUBFOR
     0.002 |      0.000 |      32,720 |    162 |   0.000009 | COLNEW::HORDER
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |    380 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::SHIFTB
     0.000 |      0.000 |   6,799,280 |      1 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::CONTRL
     0.000 |      0.000 |     846,272 |  1,594 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::GBLOCK
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |      4 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::VMONDE
     0.000 |      0.000 |     914,696 |  1,584 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::VWBLOK
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |      1 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::CONSTS
     0.000 |      0.000 |           0 |      4 |   0.000000 | COLNEW::SKALE
     0.000 |      0.000 |      28,376 |      1 |   0.000000 | COLNEW:COLNEW
     3.919 |      0.123 | 123,469,632 | 81,771 |            | Total

estimated total profiling overhead: 0.47 seconds

Which confirmes the relative time spent in fsub dfsub

The colnew-if.lisp i have used here is the one beginning by:

(in-package :maxima)

(defvar *f*)
(defvar *df*)
(defvar *g*)
(defvar *dg*)
(defvar *nz*)
(defvar *ncomp*)

(defun fsub (x z f-array)
  (declare (type (cl:array double-float (*)) z f-array)
	   (double-float x))
  (let ((res (apply *f* x (coerce (subseq z 0 *nz*) 'list))))
      (loop for k from 0
	 for ff in (cdr res)
	 (setf (aref f-array k) ($float ff))))
  (values nil nil f-array))


(defun $colnew_expert ( ....

	  (*f* (coerce-float-fun f))
	  (*df* (coerce-float-fun df))
	  (*g* (coerce-float-fun g))
	  (*dg* (coerce-float-fun dg))
	  (*nz* (reduce #'+ (cdr m))))

I have also run the sbcl statistical profiler, this way:

:lisp(cl:require :sb-sprof "/usr/local/lib/sbcl/sb-sprof/sb-sprof.fasl")
:lisp(sb-sprof:profile-call-counts "COLNEW")
:lisp(sb-sprof:with-profiling (:max-samples 10000 :report :flat :loop nil 

I get things where sbcl and maxima internals get the predominant number of 

Number of samples:   1120
Sample interval:     0.01 seconds
Total sampling time: 11.2 seconds
Number of cycles:    0
Sampled threads:
 #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "initial thread" RUNNING {5B3F2EA9}>

           Self        Total        Cumul
  Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
   1     54   4.8     54   4.8     54   4.8        -  "foreign function 
   2     42   3.8     42   3.8     96   8.6        -  SB-EXT:WEAK-POINTER-
   3     41   3.7     41   3.7    137  12.2        -  "foreign function 
   4     37   3.3     37   3.3    174  15.5        -  "foreign function 
   5     36   3.2     36   3.2    210  18.8        -  SB-C::COMPACT-INFO-
   6     27   2.4     76   6.8    237  21.2        -  REMOVE-IF
   7     24   2.1     32   2.9    261  23.3        -  SB-C::FIND-CONSTRAINT
   8     20   1.8     96   8.6    281  25.1        -  SIMPLIFYA
   9     20   1.8     20   1.8    301  26.9        -  SB-VM::ALLOC-SIGNED-
  10     15   1.3   1112  99.3    316  28.2        -  MEVAL1
  11     15   1.3     67   6.0    331  29.6        -  (FLET SB-C::LOOKUP)
  12     13   1.2     13   1.2    344  30.7        -  SB-IMPL::GET3
  13     12   1.1     12   1.1    356  31.8        -  KEYWORDP
  14     11   1.0     17   1.5    367  32.8        -  SB-VM::GENERIC-+
  15     11   1.0     12   1.1    378  33.8        -  (LABELS SB-
  16     10   0.9     16   1.4    388  34.6        -  ALIKE1
  17     10   0.9     10   0.9    398  35.5        -  SB-KERNEL:%MEMBER-EQ
  18     10   0.9     10   0.9    408  36.4        -  (FLET #:CLEANUP-
  19      9   0.8     15   1.3    417  37.2        -  SB-KERNEL:VALUES-
  20      9   0.8     11   1.0    426  38.0     5893  COLNEW::APPROX
  21      8   0.7     13   1.2    434  38.7        -  LENGTH
  22      8   0.7      8   0.7    442  39.5        -  SB-C::VOLATILE-INFO-
  23      8   0.7      8   0.7    450  40.2        -  (LABELS SB-
  24      7   0.6     37   3.3    457  40.8        -  SB-KERNEL:CSUBTYPEP
  25      7   0.6     13   1.2    464  41.4        -  GETL
  26      7   0.6      9   0.8    471  42.1        -  SB-KERNEL::%%TYPEP
  27      7   0.6      7   0.6    478  42.7        -  SB-KERNEL:SEQUENCEP

  28      6   0.5    107   9.6    484  43.2        -  MEVALARGS
  29      6   0.5     40   3.6    490  43.7        -  SB-INT:ABOUT-TO-
  30      6   0.5     29   2.6    496  44.3        -  SB-C::CONSTRAIN-REF-
  31      6   0.5     22   2.0    502  44.8        -  SB-KERNEL:SPECIFIER-
  32      6   0.5     16   1.4    508  45.4        -  SB-KERNEL:%COERCE-
  33      6   0.5     15   1.3    514  45.9        -  TIMESIN
  34      6   0.5     13   1.2    520  46.4        -  DELETE
  35      6   0.5     10   0.9    526  47.0        -  SB-C::CLASS-INFO-OR-
  36      6   0.5      6   0.5    532  47.5        -  SB-C::GET-INFO-VALUE
  37      6   0.5      6   0.5    538  48.0        -  EQL
  38      5   0.4     91   8.1    543  48.5        -  (LAMBDA (L))
  39      5   0.4     58   5.2    548  48.9        -  MSET
  40      5   0.4     40   3.6    553  49.4     2782  COLNEW::DGESL
  41      5   0.4     28   2.5    558  49.8        -  COMMON-LISP:MAKUNBOUND
  42      5   0.4     21   1.9    563  50.3        -  SB-KERNEL:TYPE=
  43      5   0.4     10   0.9    568  50.7        -  PLS
  44      5   0.4      5   0.4    573  51.2        -  SB-IMPL::GET2
  45      5   0.4      5   0.4    578  51.6        -  SB-KERNEL:HAIRY-DATA-
  46      4   0.4    395  35.3    582  52.0       74  COLNEW::LSYSLV
  47      4   0.4     63   5.6    586  52.3        -  MBIND
  48      4   0.4     46   4.1    590  52.7        -  MUNBIND

Here the colnew function which gets most samples is approx, and it gets 9
samples only. One can see where using:

:lisp(disassemble 'colnew::approx)

but 9 samples on a long function gives nothing interesting.

Michel Talon