list order / draw-points joined

Adam Majewski <adammaj1 at> writes:
> (%i2) ? points;
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>  Couldn't load #P"/usr/share/info/./maxima-index.lisp": file does not 
> exist.
> Automatically continuing.
> To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
> ; 
> ; compilation unit aborted
> ;   caught 1 fatal ERROR condition
> Maybe my Maxima failed 

This sounds like an installation issue. Maxima looks in a path called
*maxima-infodir* (it's a lisp variable name) to find the file. To work
out where it's looking, try something like

(%i1) :lisp (print-directories)

I presume that yours is set to /usr/share/info. Looking at the code in
init-cl.lisp, this is probably because you (or your distribution)
compiled Maxima using autoconf with "--prefix /usr".

In which case, you either want to recompile with a different prefix
(including running ./configure again) or just run "make install", which
should stick the file where it's supposed to be. If, like me, you're
frequently updating the version you use, I suggest the former.

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