Question about radcan

We have a question at
which seems to find a bug in radcan.  Here is the relevant Maxima

(%i3) b:((1-x)/sqrt(1-2*x+x^2));
                                    1 - x
(%o3)                         ------------------
                              sqrt(x  - 2 x + 1)
(%i4) radcan(b);
(%o4)                                 - 1

which seems a little aggressive. But

(%i7) d:((1-x)/sqrt((1-x)^2));
                                    1 - x
(%o7)                             ----------
                                  abs(x - 1)

Radcan's documentation is a little confusing.

   radicals, by converting it into a form which is canonical over a
     large class of expressions and a given ordering of variables; that
     is, all functionally equivalent forms are mapped into a unique
     form.  For a somewhat larger class of expressions, `radcan'

doesn't give very many details. But I'm certainly not an expert in
making expressions canonical :)

Thanks for any help!