Maxima by Example: new Ch. 2: Plots, Files, Read, Write, and Fit

Maxima by Example, Ch. 2 has been rewritten and given a
new title:

Chapter 2, Plots, Files, Read, Write, and Fit

Chapter 2 has been revised to include a large section
 on working with files from within Maxima. The new
 software file mfiles.mac includes many useful
 file manipulation functions.  The small file
 mfiles1.lisp is loaded in by mfiles.mac.
Files now available:

    --mbe2plotfit.pdf : Oct. 3, 2011, Maxima 5.25.1, 41 pages
    --mbe2toc.txt : Detailed table of contents, Oct. 3, 2011
    --mbe2code.txt : Code file: Oct. 3, 2011, Maxima 5.25.1
    --qplot.mac : Maxima code for quick plots, Oct. 3, 2011, Maxima 5.25.1
    --mfiles.mac : Maxima code for file work, Oct. 3, 2011, Maxima 5.25.1
    --mfiles1.lisp : Lisp code loaded by mfiles.mac, Oct. 3, 2011, Maxima 
    --coffee.dat : Coffee cooling tab separated data file: July, 13, 2009
Chapter 2 Topics:

A.  Introduction to plot2d

    First Steps with plot2d
    Parametric Plots
    Line Width and Color Controls
    Discrete Data Plots: Point Size, Color,
              and Type Control
    Plot of a Discontinuous Function
    Using qplot for Quick Plots of One or More Functions
    Multiple Plots Using the Embedded Option
B. Working with Files Using the Package mfiles.mac

    file_search, probe_file, ls, and dir
    ftype, file_length, file_info
    print_file, print_lines
    rename_file, delete_file, copy_file, file_convert, ftext_replace
    Break file lines with pbreak(), email reply with reply_to
    Search File with search_file
    Search Multiple files with search_mfiles
    read_data, read_text, write_data, with_stdout
C.  Least Squares Fit to Experimental Data

    Syntax of lsquares_estimates
    Coffee Cooling Model
    Experiment Data for Coffee Cooling
    Least Squares Fit of Coffee Cooling Data

The new function read_data is designed to work
 correctly with unix, mac, and windows type text files.

read_data uses the new functions read_line
 (a replacement for the current Maxima function readline)
 and print_line  (a replacement for the current
Maxima function printline).
Ted Woollett