implicit diff & subst problems...

Rupert -- thanks for your reply. Some quick follow-up below:

On 10/5/2011 2:02 PM, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
> Richard Fateman's answer was correct: it doesn't make sense to
> substitute numbers for x,y into "dy/dx". Something like the following
> does work:
> (%i1) mat:matrix([0,s_a*m_2,s_a*m_3],[s_o,0,0],[0,s[a],s[a]]);
>                             [  0   m_2 s_a  m_3 s_a ]
>                             [                       ]
> (%o1)                      [ s_o     0        0    ]
>                             [                       ]
>                             [  0     s        s     ]
>                             [         a        a    ]
> (%i2) cp:charpoly(mat,lam);
>                                                                     2
> (%o2)      s  m_3 s_a s_o - (s  - lam) m_2 s_a s_o + (s  - lam) lam
>              a                 a                        a
> (%i3) depends(lam,s_a);
> (%o3)                             [lam(s_a)]
> (%i4) deriv:diff(cp,s_a);
>        dlam                                                    2 dlam
> (%o4) ---- m_2 s_a s_o + s  m_3 s_o - (s  - lam) m_2 s_o - lam  ----
>        ds_a                a             a                       ds_a
>                                                                             dlam
>                                                          + 2 (s  - lam) lam ----
>                                                                a            ds_a
> (%i5) sol:solve(deriv,'diff(lam,s_a));
>                               (s  m_3 + (lam - s ) m_2) s_o
>                     dlam        a               a
> (%o5)             [---- = - -------------------------------]
>                     ds_a                        2
>                              m_2 s_a s_o - 3 lam  + 2 s  lam
>                                                        a
> (%i6) subst([s_a=0.8,s_o=0.4,m_2=1.2,m_3=1.2,lam=1.1667],rhs(first(sol)));
>                          0.4 (1.2 s  + 1.2 (1.1667 - s ))
>                                    a                  a
> (%o6)                 - --------------------------------
>                           2.3334 s  - 3.699566670000001
>                                   a
> (%i7) subst(0.8, s[a], %);
> (%o7)                          .3055443803163305
> The last line is because you seem to have got confused about s_a and
> s[a].

Not so much confusion, as reflecting difficulty remembering that Maple 
and Maxima handle subst and implicit differentiation differently if a 
variable is 'subscripted' using s[a] (works in Maple, not in Maxima).

I'll have to dig into the rhs(first(sol)) part of your 'solution'. It 
clearly works (based in a criterion that the result matches output from 
Maple,  Mathematica, Gauss, and (heaven for fend) by hand), but I'm not 
really sure what it's doing.

> I don't know why I'm getting 0.3 instead of the 0.8 you report
>  From Maple, but I suspect that's a typo from one of us.

Indeed. You have m_2=m_3=1.2, whereas I was using m_2=1.2, m_3=1.4.

> Note that "rhs(first(sol))" above says to take the first thing in the
> sol list (ie the equation) and then take its right hand side.
> Does this solve your problem for you?
> Rupert
> PS Regarding your Maple example, I logged into a University computer to
>     check it out. Note that the response to your implicit diff line looks
>     like
>     >  implicitdiff(cp,lambda,s_a);
>                                                             2
>                                      s_o (m_2 lambda + 3 s_a  m_3)
>                                      -----------------------------
>                                                 2
>                                         3 lambda  - s_o s_a m_2
>     This doesn't have the left hand dlam/ds_a part, so substitution
>     actually makes sense.

And this, I believe, is the key to why I was having trouble 
understanding what Maxima was doing. Maple doesn't care if a function is 
a derivative or not -- it is simply an entity into which you can 
substitute values for things all you want. There is a way to make Maple 
'aware' that something is a derivative (or anything else), but I almost 
never use that, since all I generally want to do is (i) get the 
derivative, and (ii) evaluate it at a particular point.